The first project of its kind in the world

Building on the success of British Land’s long-term partnership with New Diorama Theatre at our Regent’s Place campus in London, together we launched one of the UK’s biggest and most accessible arts hubs: NDT Broadgate.

The first project of its kind in the world, between August 2021 and July 2022, NDT Broadgate provided over 20,000 sq ft of creative space completely free to independent and freelance artists. New research reveals the huge economic impact this generated for the UK, fuelling the recovery of the arts post-pandemic and boosting Broadgate’s commercial success.


£ 40 m


NDT Broadgate boosted the UK economy with £40m additional revenue.*

1000 +


NDT Broadgate supported 1,039 full-time jobs during the pandemic.

2 x


Restaurants and bars close to NDT Broadgate benefited from nearly double the sales uplift of other retailers across the campus.

*This includes box office sales, 来自资助者的资助, increased revenue for supply chain partners, and greater expenditure by employees and visitors. Full details are available in the report.

We’re proud to share new research by international experts BOP Consulting, revealing the economic impact of NDT Broadgate.  We hope this encourages greater partnership across artists, 文化组织, 房地产公司, policymakers and local government. Together, we can achieve so much more.

8800 +


In just one year, 8,841 creative practitioners accessed the free space.

250 +


Over 250 new shows created at NDT Broadgate, along with 40 national tours, 12本新书, 10 new films and 1 interactive ghost walk.

51 %


51% of all projects at NDT Broadgate led by artists who are Black, 东亚, South Asian or from the 全球多数.


International experts BOP Consulting calculated the economic impacts of NDT Broadgate in line with good practice guidance, 英国财政部绿皮书.  

下载 BOP Consulting’s economic impact assessment


NDT Broadgate supports British Land’s 2030 sustainability strategy: Greener Spaces, 繁荣的地方, 负责任的选择.
